This is less than perfect for a number of reasons. 由于多方面的原因,这个方法并不完美。
A more algorithmic definition for a perfect number is a number where the sum of the factors ( excluding the number itself) equals the number. 更规则的完全数定义是因子(不包括该数字本身)之和等于该数字的数字。
A perfect number is a number whose factors ( excluding the number itself as a factor) add up to the number. perfect数是其因子(factor)(不包括该数本身)加起来等于该数。
The opaque nature of a Web service method combined with the descriptive power of XML documents for data are perfect for integrating any number of remote operations. Web服务的不透明性质与XML文档的数据描述能力相结合,对于集成任何数量的远程操作非常理想。
The trick was to know that his true nature lived, as perfect as an unwritten number, everywhere at once across space and time. 秘诀在于懂得自己的本性,尽善尽美得像一个没有写出来的数字,它超越时间和空间,无处不在。
Square number is a "perfect" number which has many very orderly rules. 平方数是一种很“完美”的数,有关于它有许多很有序的规律。
Perfect number, amicable number and anti-sociable numbers are important topics in number theory. 完全数、相亲数以及孤立数一直是数论研究的一个重要课题。
The author discusses the gynamic balancing design, and then proposes a method of how to determine the perfect number of revolution circles for the sterilizing facilities of medical wastes. 笔者以医疗废物消毒设备为研究对象来讨论旋转平衡问题,以确定最佳的旋转圈数。
What are the largest prime number and perfect number found at present 当前已发现的最大的素数及完全数
Some results on the upper bound of the lower perfect neighborhood number 关于图的下完美邻域数的上界一些结果
On the Unitary Perfect Number 关于酉完全数
In this paper, the definitions of prime number and perfect number are introduced, and the largest of them having been found at present in the world are also described. 本文给出素数和完全数的定义,还给出了当前世界上最大的素数和完全数。
Upper Bound of Lower Perfect Neighborhood Number of Some Graphs 一些图的下完美邻域数上界
This thesis mainly studies three kinds of dominating parameters of graphs: the lower perfect neighborhood number of graphs, the refrained domination number of graphs and the ct-domination number of graphs, and discusses them with three respective chapters. 本文主要研究了三类图的控制参数:图的下完美邻域数、图的受限控制数和图的α控制数,并分为三章分别进行了讨论。
Problem about perfect number 完全数简介
In this paper we mainly give the root numbers of some kinds of number theory numbers such as Mersenne number, Fermat number, Prime twins and Even perfect number, and prove them respectively. 本文主要给出Mersenne数、Fermat数、孪生素数、偶完全数等几类数论数的根数并逐一加以多种证明。
If a squeezed vacuum is injected into a cavity, almost perfect photon number squeezing can be obtained in the upper branch. 若向腔中注入压缩真空,可在双稳态的上支产生几乎完全的光子数压缩效应。
The posterior modes of the QTL numbers overlapped with the true number of QTL almost in all simulated conditions, which proved that RJ MCMC was perfect in QTL number estimating. 根据RJMCMC抽样得到QTL数目的后验样本来估计QTL数目体现出极高的稳健性和准确性,几乎在所有条件下,QTL数目的后验众数估计值与QTL的实际数目完全相同;
Decision of Odd Perfect Number and Number of Prime Factors of Odd Perfect Numbers 奇完全数的判定及素因数个数的估算
In this paper, we give a some of concept relating to even perfect number, then give the property of eren perfect number and prove it. 本文主要介绍偶完全数的性质并加以证明,同时也介绍与偶完全数有关的概念和结论。
Considered the need of high precision, the more perfect number of hidden layer nodes enhancing the approximation capability of network can be searched in the extended range of interval. 兼顾高精度的需要,将隐含层节点数频繁出现的区间作拓展,可以求得逼近能力更强的节点数。
Mainly studies a kind of special dominating parameter: the lower perfect neighbor-hood number G. 研究了图G的一类特殊控制数:下完美邻域数G。
In a word, the anti-collision algorithm is not perfect. The system slot number and throughput need further improve. 防冲突算法还不够完善,系统所用时隙数及系统吞吐率都需要进一步的提高。
However it is not perfect, which suffers a number of challenges, such as the discordant of performance and fairness, the economic growth out of harmony with social development, and so on. 但它并非完美,面临很多挑战,如效率与公平不能兼顾、经济发展与社会发展不协调等问题。
Perfect competition system, increase the number of competition, improve the level of competition, give full play to the competition supervision, incentive functions. 完善竞赛体系,增加比赛次数,提高参赛层次,充分发挥竞赛监督、激励职能。
At the same time as the establishment of the temporary nature of the patent system, relevant laws and regulations are not perfect, and practice the number of infringement cases increased year by year, making the study of patent infringement as necessary. 同时由于我国专利制度建立的短暂性,相关法律、法规还不健全以及实践中侵权纠纷案件数量的逐年递增,使得对专利侵权判定的研究成为必要。
At present, due to environmental pollution related damages system is far from perfect, a large number of victims of environmental pollution, lack of timely and effective compensation, polluters are often unable to bear the relevant responsibilities for bankruptcy. 目前,由于相关的环境污染损害赔偿制度还很不完善,大量环境污染受害者得不到及时有效的赔偿,污染者也往往因为无力承担相关责任而破产。